Unit 03

Unit 3:
Summarizing Data
Unit 3: Assignment #1 (due before 11:59 pm Central on MON JUN 22):

  1. Finish collecting the following data from 5 different adults:
    1. the Person’s 3 letter Initials of their name (e.g. CMA); if the adult doesn’t have three names, use X for the middle name (e.g., CXA);
    2. their Age (in years using only whole numbers, no fractions or decimals);
    3. their Height (in inches using only whole numbers, no fractions or decimals);
    4. the Month of their Birthday; and
    5. their Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream.
  2. To stay organized in this course, create a personal cataloging system for all of your materials.
    1. First, decide where you plan to save your materials for this course:
      • locally on your personal device (e.g., your laptop, tablet, or desktop computer) or
      • online using a cloud-based storage service (e.g., Google Drive).
    2. Second, create a new PSY-210 main folder named PSY-210_SEMESTERYEAR_Materials (e.g. PSY-210_Summer2020_Materials).
    3. Third, take a screenshot of the main PSY-210 folder you created. Name the screenshot YourLastName_PSY-210_Screenshot_MainFolder.xxx (where xxx is the filetype, for example, .jpg, .png, .jpeg, and the like).
      • Your screenshot should include only your main PSY-210 folder, NOT your entire screen
      • Now that you’ve created your Unit folders, move any course materials you’ve already created when you were working on Units 1 and 2 into their corresponding Unit folders.
    4. Fourth, within your main PSY-210 folder, create a separate folder for each of the 14 units of our course using the naming convention PSY-210_SEMESTERYEAR_UnitXX where XX is the unit number (e.g., PSY-210_Summer2020_ Unit01).
      • These 14 Unit folders will be where you store the materials (files, screenshots, data files, etc.) you create and use for each unit.
      • We recommend using what’s called “leading zeros” when creating folders and filenames.
      • For example, name the folder PSY-210_Summer2020_ Unit01, with one leading zero in front of the 1 of Unit 1, rather than PSY-210_Summer2020_ Unit1, without a leading zero in front of the 1 of Unit 1. Using leading zeros will allow you to alphabetize your files and folders.
      • After creating your Unit folders, move any course materials you’ve created so far in this course into their corresponding Unit folders.
    5. Fifth, take a screenshot that shows all 14 of your Unit folders. Name the screenshot YourLastName_PSY-210_Screenshot_SubFolders.xxx (where xxx is the filetype, for example, .jpg, .png, .jpeg, and the like).
      • Your screenshot should include only your 14 Unit folders, NOT your entire screen.
  3. In this course, you’ll learn how to manage data using a database management system, such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or Apple Numbers.
    1. To appreciate why you’re going to learn a database management system, such as Excel, rather than learn a statistical software program, such as SPSS, look through Burleigh’s (2020) tweet.
    2. Be sure to notice that the majority of data management jobs — not only at the senior and associate level but also at the entry level — require employees to know how to use Excel, not SPSS.
  4. The first step in learning to use a data management system is deciding which system you’re going to use. For this course, your choices are (1) Microsoft Excel, (2) Google Sheets, or (3) Apple Numbers. If you’re not sure which data management system you want to use, feel free to look through more than one of the tutorials below.
    1. For Microsoft Excel, all UW-Madison students have free access to Office 365, which includes both online and downloadable desktop versions of the suite of Microsoft products, including Excel.
      • For this course, if you choose to use Excel as your data management system, you MUST use the desktop version rather than the Online version.
    2. For Google Sheets, all UW-Madison students already have a UW-Madison Google account attached to their @wisc.edu email address.
      • For this course, if you choose to use Google Sheets as your data management system, you MUST be signed into Google using your UW-Madison Google account (not your personal Gmail or personal Google account) whenever you are doing work for this course.
    3. For Apple Numbers, all Mac and iPad users have free access to the Apple Numbers app.
  5. Next, learn to use the data management system you’ve chosen.
    1. If you’ve chosen to learn Microsoft Excel, complete Andrews’ (2020) tutorial “Getting Started with Microsoft Excel.”
    2. If you’ve chosen to learn Google Sheets, complete Andrews’ (2020) tutorial “Getting Started with Google Sheets.”
    3. If you have chosen to learn Apple Numbers complete Andrews’ (2020) tutorial “Getting Started with Apple Numbers.”
  6. After completing the tutorial you chose to learn:
    1. First, save the spreadsheet you created during the tutorial with the filename, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_FiveData.
    2. Second, take a screenshot of the spreadsheet you created during the tutorial.
      • Name the screenshot YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_FiveData.xxx (where xxx is the filetype, for example, .jpg, .png, .jpeg and the like).
      • Your screenshot should include only the part of your spreadsheet that contains data, NOT your entire screen.
      • For example, for this screenshot, include in your screenshot only the column letters,  row numbers, and filled cells, as in these examples.
    3. Third, export the spreadsheet you created during the tutorial as a .csv file, as demonstrated in the tutorial.
      • Name the .csv file, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_FiveData.csv.
      • Note that when exporting an Excel spreadsheet (rather than a Numbers or Google Sheets spreadsheet) to be a .csv file, you’ll be told that “some features might be lost if you save this workbook in the comma delimited (.csv) format.” That’s ok! Go ahead and export the Excel spreadsheet as a .csv file anyway.
  7. From the Course How To learn “How to Embed an Image into a Discussion Board Post.” Be sure to learn from the Course How To
    1. how to embed an image rather than “Attach” it, and
    2. how to re-size each image so that it is no wider than 500 pixels and no taller than 500 pixels.
  8. Go to the Unit 3: Assignment #1 Discussion Board and make a new Discussion Board post in which you
    1. state which data management system you’ve chosen to use for this course;
    2. embed the two screenshots you took in step b above (one representing your main PSY-210 folder and the other representing your 14 Unit folders); and
    3. embed the screenshot of the spreadsheet you created when completing the data management system tutorial (the screenshot you saved and named YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_FiveData.xxx).

Unit 3: Assignment #2 (due before 11:59 pm Central on MON JUN 22):

  1. To learn why we summarize data using Frequency Distribution Tables, read Poldrack’s (2020) Chapter 3, “Summarizing Data: Summarizing Data Using Tables.”
  2. Now, you’re going to learn how to make Frequency Distribution Tables, beginning with learning how to make a Frequency Distribution Table for discrete data. Remember, discrete data can take only on a limited set of values (whereas continuous data can take on an infinite set of values).
    1. First, open Owlcation’s (2014) how-to article, “Using Excel’s [Google Sheets’, and Numbers’] COUNTIF Function to Make a Frequency Distribution for Discrete Data.”
    2. Second, open a new (blank) spreadsheet in your data management system.
    3. Third, as you are reading through Owlcation’s (2014) how-to article, do each of the steps listed, exactly as they are shown in the article, to create a Frequency Distribution Table of Volkswagen models sold at that car dealership.
      • For each step, compare the Frequency Distribution Table you are making in your own spreadsheet with the images (figures) shown in Owlcation’s (2014) how-to article.
      • You want your completed Frequency Distribution Table to look just like the one that is made in Owlcation’s (2014) how-to article (with the exception, as stated in Owlcation’s how-to article, that your Frequency Distribution Table will also have a total for the Relative Frequencies).
    4. Fourth, save the spreadsheet you created with the filename, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_FrequencyDistribution_Owlcation.
    5. Fifth, take a screenshot of the Frequency Distribution Table you created and save the screenshot with the filename YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_Owlcation.xxx (where xxx is the file type, for example, .jpg, .png, .jpeg, and the like).
  3. Next, you’re going to make Frequency Distribution Tables for discrete data using an assigned data set.
    1. In this course, whenever you are assigned a data set, the name of each data set will include a three-digit number, such as 001.
    2. Each student in each Section of this course, will be assigned a three-digit number. That three-digit number will be your “unique data set number.”
    3. You will keep the same unique data set number for all assignments, throughout the entire term.
    4. To find out your unique data set number, look at this Unique Data Set Number List. NOTE: This is a password-protected PDF. To read the PDF, you’ll need to type in a password:
      • The password is the email subject heading you’re supposed to use in this course when you email a question.
      • Capitalization, punctuation, and spacing matter for this password.
      • If you’re initially unable to open the PDF, and you’re sure you’re inputting the correct password:
        • Try a different browser. Some browsers are set to a default level of security that interferes with opening password-protected files. Using a different browser (which is a good go-to solution for a lot of Internet-related problems) should help.
        • Or save the PDF onto your own computer, and open the PDF there (using Adobe Reader, Preview, or another PDF reader), rather than trying to open the PDF in your browser.
  4. Now that you know your unique data set number, identify from the list below, your assigned Birth Month Data Set for this assignment. For example, if your unique data set number is 001, your assigned data set for this assignment is Birth Month Data Set 001.
    1. Download your assigned Birth Month Data Set.
      • If you are using the browser Chrome or the browser Firefox, click on the link for your data set, below. When prompted, save the file to your PSY-210_Summer2020_Unit03 folder.
      • If you are using the browser Safari, right-click on the link for your data set, below, and select “Download Linked File.”
    2. You will notice that your assigned Birth Month Data Set has the file extension .csv, which stands for “comma-separated values.” Data saved with the file extension .csv can be opened in almost any data management platform.
    3. Because your assigned Birth Month Data Set has the file extension .csv, no matter what data management platform you have chosen to learn for this course, you will be able to import the data!
  5. Import your assigned Birth Month Data Set into your chosen data management platform.
    1. Follow Andrews’ (2020) how-to article “How to Import Data from .csv Files.”
    2. Then, save the new spreadsheet in which you have imported your assigned Birth Month Data Set, naming the file, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_BirthMonthFrequency.
  6. Using the skills you learned from Owlcation’s (2014) how-to, create a Frequency Distribution Table for your assigned Birth Month Data Set.
    1. Your Birth Month Data Frequency Distribution Table must include the following:
      • a column for Categories (which are the 12 months of the year in chronological order, e.g., January, February, March, April … December)
      • a column for Absolute Frequency
      • a total for Absolute Frequency
      • a column for Relative Frequency
      • a total for Relative Frequency
    2. After creating your Birth Month Frequency Distribution Table, be sure to save (again) your spreadsheet, which should already be named, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_BirthMonthFrequency
    3. Finally, take a screenshot of your Birth Month Data Frequency Distribution Table (not your entire screen) and save the screenshot with the filename YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_BirthMonthFrequency.xxx (where xxx is the file type, for example, .jpg, .png, .jpeg, and the like).
  7. Identify from the list below, your assigned Ice Cream Data Set for this assignment. Remember, if your unique data set number is 001, your assigned data set is Ice Cream Data Set 001.
    1. Download your assigned Ice Cream Data Set:
  8. Import your assigned Ice Cream Data Set into your chosen data management platform.
    1. Follow Andrews’ (2020) how-to article, “How to Import Data from .csv Files.
    2. Then, save the new spreadsheet in which you have imported your assigned Ice Cream Data Set, naming the file, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_IceCreamFrequency.
  9. Again, using the skills you learned from Owlcation’s (2014) how-to, create a Frequency Distribution Table for your assigned Ice Cream Data Set.
    1. Your Ice Cream Data Frequency Distribution Table must include the following:
      • a column for Categories (which are the are the following ice cream flavors in alphabetical order: Blue Moon, Chocolate, Cookie Dough, Cookies and Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip, Strawberry, Vanilla)
      • a column for Absolute Frequency
      • a total for Absolute Frequency
      • a column for Relative Frequency
      • a total for Relative Frequency
    2. After creating your Ice Cream Data Frequency Distribution Table, be sure to save (again) your spreadsheet, which should already be named, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_IceCreamFrequency.
    3. Finally, take a screenshot of your Ice Cream Data Frequency Distribution Table (not your entire screen) and save the screenshot with the filename YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_IceCreamFrequency.xxx (where xxx is the file type, for example, .jpg, .png, .jpeg, and the like).
  10. Go to the Unit 3: Assignment #2 Discussion Board and make a new Discussion Board post.
    1. In the first sentence of your Discussion Board post, state your unique data set number (e.g., “My unique data set number is 001”).
    2. Then, embed each of your three screenshots into your Discussion Board Post.
      • one screenshot is of the Frequency Distribution Table you made by following Owlcation’s (2014) how-to (YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_Owlcation.xxx);
      • one screenshot is of your Birth Month Data Frequency Distribution Table (YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_BirthMonthFrequency.xxx); and
      • one screenshot is of your Ice Cream Data Frequency Distribution Table (YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_IceCreamFrequency.xxx).
    3. Remember to embed and re-size your screenshots using the procedures you learned from the Course How To.

Unit 3: Assignment #3 (due before 11:59 pm Central on TUE JUN 23):

  1. In this assignment, you’re going to learn how to make a Frequency Distribution Table for continuous data. Remember, continuous data can take on an infinite set of values (whereas discrete data can take on only a limited set of values).
    1. First, open Andrews’ (2020) how-to article, “Using Excel’s, Google Sheets’, and Numbers’ COUNTIFS Function to Make a Frequency Distribution for Continuous Data.”
    2. Second, open a new (blank) spreadsheet in your data management system.
    3. Third, as you are reading through Andrews’ (2020) Frequency Distribution how-to article, do each of the steps listed, exactly as they are shown in the article, to create a Frequency Distribution Table of the hours of sleep students get each night.
      • For each step, compare the Frequency Distribution Table you are making in your own spreadsheet with the images (figures) shown in Andrews’ (2020) Frequency Distribution how-to article.
      • You want your completed Frequency Distribution Table to look just like the one that is made in Andrews’ (2020) Frequency Distribution how-to article (with the exception, as stated in Andrews’ Frequency Distribution how-to article that your Frequency Distribution Table will also have a total for the Relative Frequencies).
    4. Fourth, save the spreadsheet you created with the filename, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_FrequencyDistribution_Andrews.
    5. Fifth, take a screenshot of the Frequency Distribution Table you created and save the screenshot with the filename YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_Andrews.xxx (where xxx is the file type, for example, .jpg, .png, .jpeg, and the like).
  2. Now, you’re going to make Frequency Distribution Tables for continuous data using an assigned data set.
    1. First, using your Unique Data Set Number, identify from the list below, your assigned Age Data Set. For example, if your unique data set number is 001, your assigned data set for this assignment is Age Data Set 001.
    2. Second, download your assigned Age Data Set.
    3. Third, import your assigned Age Data Set into your chosen data management platform
      • Remember to follow Andrews’ (2020) Import Data how-to article.
      • Then, save the new spreadsheet in which you have imported your assigned Age Data Set, naming the file, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_AgeFrequency
  3. Using the skills you learned from Andrews’ (2020) Frequency Distribution Table how-to, create a Frequency Distribution Table for your assigned Age Data Set.
    1. Use intervals of 5 years, starting with the interval 20-24 and ending with the interval 75-79  (e.g., 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, and so forth). Therefore, your first Min cell will be 20 and your last Max cell will be 79.
    2. Your Age Data Frequency Distribution Table must include the following:
      • a column for the Minimum interval value
      • a column for the Maximum interval value
      • a column for Absolute Frequency
      • a total for Absolute Frequency
      • a column for Relative Frequency
      • a total for Relative Frequency
    3. After creating your Age Data Frequency Distribution Table, be sure to save (again) your spreadsheet, which should already be named, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_AgeFrequency
    4. Finally, take a screenshot of your Age Data Frequency Distribution Table (not your entire screen) and save the screenshot with the filename YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_AgeFrequency.xxx (where xxx is the file type, for example, .jpg, .png, .jpeg, and the like).
  4. Next, identify from the list below, your assigned Height Data Set. Remember, if your unique data set number is 001, your assigned data set is Height Data Set 001.
    1. Download your assigned Height Data Set:
    2. Height Data Set 001, Height Data Set 002, Height Data Set 003, Height Data Set 004, Height Data Set 005, Height Data Set 006, Height Data Set 007, Height Data Set 008, Height Data Set 009, Height Data Set 010.
  5. Import your assigned Height Data Set into your chosen data management platform.
    1. Remember to follow Andrews’ (2020) Import Data how-to article.
    2. Then, save the new spreadsheet in which you have imported your assigned Height Data Set, naming the file, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_HeightFrequency
  6. Again, using the skills you learned from Andrews’ (2020) Frequency Distribution Table how-to, create a Frequency Distribution Table for your assigned Height Data Set.
    1. Use intervals of 5 inches, starting with the interval 55-59 and ending with the interval 85-89  (e.g., 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, and so forth). Therefore, your first Min cell will be 55, and your last Max cell will be 89.
    2. Your Height Data Frequency Distribution Table must include the following:
      • a column for the Minimum interval value
      • a column for the Maximum interval value
      • a column for Absolute Frequency
      • a total for Absolute Frequency
      • a column for Relative Frequency
      • a total for Relative Frequency
    3. After creating your Height Data Frequency Distribution Table, be sure to save (again) your spreadsheet, which should already be named, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_HeightFrequency
    4. Finally, take a screenshot of your Height Data Frequency Distribution Table (not your entire screen) and save the screenshot with the filename YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_HeightFrequency.xxx (where xxx is the file type, for example, .jpg, .png, .jpeg, and the like).
  7. Go to the Unit 3: Assignment #3 Discussion Board and make a new Discussion Board post.
    1. In the first sentence of your Discussion Board post, state your unique data set number (e.g., “My unique data set number is 001″).
    2. Then, embed each of your three screenshots into your Discussion Board Post.
      • one screenshot is of the Frequency Distribution Table you made by following Andrews’ (2020) Frequency Distribution how-to (YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_Andrews.xxx,
      • one screenshot is of your Age Data Frequency Distribution Table (YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_AgeFrequency.xxx); and
      • one screenshot is of your Height Data Frequency Distribution Table (YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_HeightFrequency.xxx).
    3. Remember to embed and re-size your screenshots using the procedures you learned from the Course How To.

Unit 3: Assignment #4 (due before 11:59 pm Central on TUE JUN 23):

  1. To learn why we summarize data using Cumulative Frequency Distribution Tables, read Poldrack’s (2020) Chapter 3, “Summarizing Data: Summarizing Data Using Tables – Cumulative Distributions.”
  2. To learn how to make Cumulative Frequency Distribution Tables for continuous data:
    1. First, open Andrews’ (2020) how-to article, “Using Excel’s, Google Sheets’, and Numbers’ SUM Function to Make a Cumulative Distribution for Continuous Data.
    2. Second, open the spreadsheet you created in Unit 3: Assignment #3 named YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_FrequencyDistribution_Andrews.
    3. Third, as you are reading through Andrews’ (2020) Cumulative Distribution how-to article, do each of the steps listed, exactly as they are shown in the article, to create a Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table of the hours of sleep students get each night.
    4. Fourth, after creating your Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table, be sure to save (again) your spreadsheet, which should already be named, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_FrequencyDistribution_Andrews.
    5. Fifth, take a screenshot of the Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table you created and save the screenshot with the filename YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_Cumulative_Andrews.xxx (where xxx is the file type, for example, .jpg, .png, .jpeg, and the like).
  3. Now, you’re going to create a Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table for continuous data using your assigned Age Data Set.
    1. First, open the spreadsheet you created in Unit 3: Assignment #3 named YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_AgeFrequency, which contains your Age Data Frequency Distribution Table.
    2. Second, using the skills you learned from Andrews’ (2020) Cumulative Distribution how-to, create an Age Data Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table for your assigned Age Data Set.
      • Your Age Data Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table will show how many people are 24 years of age and younger, 29 years of age and younger, 34 years of age and younger, and so forth.
    3. Your Age Data Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table must include the following:
      • a column for the Minimum interval value
      • a column for the Maximum interval value
      • a column for Absolute Frequency
      • a total for Absolute Frequency
      • a column for Relative Frequency
      • a total for Relative Frequency
      • a column for Cumulative Absolute Frequency
      • a column for Cumulative Relative Frequency
    4. After creating your Age Data Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table, be sure to save (again) your spreadsheet, which should already be named, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_AgeFrequency.
    5. Finally, take a screenshot of your Age Data Cumulative Distribution Table (not your entire screen) and save the screenshot with the filename YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_AgeCumulative.xxx (where xxx is the file type, for example, .jpg, .png, .jpeg, and the like).
  4. Last, you’re going to create a Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table using your assigned Height Data Set.
    1. First, open the spreadsheet you created in Unit 3: Assignment #3 named YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_HeightFrequency, which contains your Height Data Frequency Distribution Table.
    2. Second, using the skills you learned from Andrews’ (2020) Cumulative Distribution how-to, create a Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table for your assigned Height Data Set.
      • Your Height Data Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table will show how many people are 59 inches and shorter, 64 inches and shorter, 69 inches and shorter, and so forth.
    3. Your Height Data Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table must include the following:
      • a column for the Minimum interval value
      • a column for the Maximum interval value
      • a column for Absolute Frequency
      • a total for Absolute Frequency
      • a column for Relative Frequency
      • a total for Relative Frequency
      • a column for Cumulative Absolute Frequency
      • a column for Cumulative Relative Frequency
    4. After creating your Height Data Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table, be sure to save (again) your spreadsheet, which should already be named, YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_HeightFrequency.
    5. Finally, take a screenshot of your Height Data Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table (not your entire screen) and save the screenshot with the filename YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_HeightCumulative.xxx (where xxx is the file type, for example, .jpg, .png, .jpeg, and the like).
  5. Go to the Unit 3: Assignment #4 Discussion Board and make a new Discussion Board post.
    1. In the first sentence of your Discussion Board post, state your unique data set number (e.g., “My unique data set number is 001″).
    2. Then, embed each of your three screenshots into your Discussion Board Post.
      • one screenshot is of the Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table you made by following Andrews’ (2020) Cumulative Fequency Distribution how-to (YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_Cumulative_Andrews.xxx);
      • one screenshot is of your Age Data Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table (YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_AgeCumulative.xxx); and
      • one screenshot is of your Height data Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table (YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_HeightCumulative.xxx.
    3. Remember to embed and re-size your screenshots using the procedures you learned from the Course How To.

Unit 3: Assignment #5 (due before 11:59 pm Central on WED JUN 24):

  1. Meet online with your small Chat Group for a one-hour text-based Group Chat at the time and date that your Chat Group previously arranged.
  2. BEFORE your Chat Group meets online:
    1. ALL members of your Chat Group must have completed Unit 3: Assignments #1, #2, #3 and #4; do NOT meet until all Chat Group members have completed Unit 3: Assignments #1 through #4;
    2. ALL members of your Chat Group must have learned from the Course How To:
      • “How To Participate in a Group Chat on Your Laptop” OR “How To Participate in a Group Chat on Your Mobile Device”;
      • that at least one member of the Chat Group must participate in the Group Chat using the browser Chrome on their laptop (rather than on their mobile device);
      • what to do if your Chat Group agrees on a date and time for your Chat, but one member of the Chat Group wants to reschedule or hasn’t joined the Chat within 15 minutes after the agreed upon time; and
      • that all Group Chats are required to last ONE FULL HOUR. During that entire hour, the Group Chat should be the ONLY thing you’re doing. If you finish early, then practice the assignment more or discuss further implications
    3. ALL members of your Chat Group must have read the following:
    4. Make sure the one member of your Chat Group whose last name comes last alphabetically in your Chat Group has set up the Group Chat room (as instructed in Unit 2: Assignment #5) and according to the instructions in the Course How To (under the topic, “How To Set Up a Group Chat Room on Your Laptop” or “How To Set Up a Group Chat Room on Your Mobile Device”).
    5. DO NOT begin your one-hour Group Chat until all the steps listed above are completed.
    6. DO NOT begin working on any of the steps listed below until your Chat Group begins their one-hour Group Chat.
  3. BEGIN your one-hour Group Chat by doing the following:
    1. First, introduce yourselves using the preferred first names that each Chat Group member provided in Unit 1: Assignment #2, and, to the degree that you feel comfortable, discuss any statistics anxiety you had coming into this class.
    2. Second, begin the process of data sharing.
      • Each member of the Chat Group must share with the other Chat Group member(s) the .csv file they exported back in Unit 3: Assignment #1 (YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_FiveData.csv) when working through the “Getting Started” tutorials.
      • Each Chat Group members’ .csv file should already contain the data they collected from 5 adults.
      • Chat Group members can share their .csv files via email, Dropbox, Google drive, or any other method of sharing files.
    3. Third, each Chat Group member needs to create a new spreadsheet that contains the combined data from all members of the Chat Group (your own data included).
      • Begin by opening a new (blank) spreadsheet in your data management system.
      • Then open the two .csv files (if you’re in a Chat Group with only two students, including you) or three .csv files (if you’re in a Chat Group with three students, including you).
      • Copy and then paste the data from each of the two or three .csv files into your new spreadsheet.
      • When copying/pasting the data from the .csv files into your combined spreadsheet, be sure to keep the data in their respective columns, Person’s Initials, Age (in years), Height (in inches), Month of Birthday, Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream.
        • For example, all the Person’s Initials data should be in one column.
        • However, you need only one Column Heading (e.g., Person’s Initials) for each column.
      • If you are in a Chat Group with only two students (including you), your combined spreadsheet will have 10 data cells in each column; if you are in a Chat Group with three students (including you), your combined spreadsheet will have 15 data cells in each column.
    4. Fourth, save your combined spreadsheet with the filename YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Combined_FiveData
  4. Next, each Chat Group member is going to make a different type of Frequency Distribution Table using the combined data file they created by combining data from all Chat Group members.
    1. If your last name comes last alphabetically in your Chat Group, your job is to create a Frequency Distribution Table for discrete data using the combined Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream data. Your combined Ice Cream Frequency Distribution Table must include the following:
      • a column for Categories (which you and your Chat Group will need to decide on based on your combined data)
      • a column for Absolute Frequency
      • a total for Absolute Frequency
      • a column for Relative Frequency
      • a total for Relative Frequency
    2. If your last name comes first alphabetically in your Chat Group, your job is to create a Frequency Distribution Table for continuous data using the combined Age (in years) data. Your combined Age Frequency Distribution Table must include the following:
      • a column for the Minimum interval value (which you and your Chat Group will need to decide on based on your combined data)
      • a column for the Maximum interval value (which you and your Chat Group will need to decide on based on your combined data)
      • a column for Absolute Frequency
      • a total for Absolute Frequency
      • a column for Relative Frequency
      • a total for Relative Frequency
    3. If you are in a Chat Group of three students (including you), and your last name comes neither first nor last alphabetically in your Chat Group, your job is to create a Frequency Distribution Table for continuous data using the combined Height (in inches) data. Your combined Height Frequency Distribution Table must include the following:
      • a column for the Minimum interval value (which you and your Chat Group will need to decide on based on your combined data)
      • a column for the Maximum interval value (which you and your Chat Group will need to decide on based on your combined data)
      • a column for Absolute Frequency
      • a total for Absolute Frequency
      • a column for Relative Frequency
      • a total for Relative Frequency
  5. While creating these Frequency Distribution Tables, stay in contact (through your text chat) with the other Chat Group members. Feel free to ask questions, provide advice, and report on your progress.
  6. After creating your Frequency Distribution Table, take a screenshot and save the screenshot with the relevant filename:
    • YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_Combined_IceCream.xxx
    • YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_Combined_Age.xxx
    • YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit03_Screenshot_Combined_Height.xxx
  7. Finally, discuss as a group the barriers to data sharing that you read about in Houtkoop et al.’s (2018) abstract and the benefits of data sharing that you read about in Hunt’s (2019) introduction, as well as the benefits or barriers of data sharing that you experienced during this Group Chat.
  8. AT THE END of your one-hour Group Chat:
    1. Nominate one member of your Chat Group (who participated in the Chat) to make a post on the Unit 3: Assignment #5 Discussion Board that summarizes your Group Chat in at least 200 words.
      • This member also needs to embed in their Discussion Post (not attach) the screenshot of their Frequency Distribution Table.
          • Remember to embed and re-size your screenshot using the procedures you learned from the Course How To.
    2. Nominate a member of your Chat Group (who participated in the Group Chat using the browser Chrome on their laptop, rather than on their mobile device) to save the Chat transcript, as described in the Course How To (under the topic, “How To Save and Attach a Chat Transcript”).
      • This member of the Chat Group needs to make a post on the Unit 3: Assignment #5 Discussion Board and attach the Chat transcript, saved as a PDF, to that Discussion Board post.
          • Remember to attach the Chat transcript by clicking on the word “Attach.” (Do not click on the sidebar menu “Files.”)
      • This member also needs to embed in their Discussion Post (not attach) the screenshot of their Frequency Distribution Table.
          • Remember to embed and re-size your screenshot using the procedures you learned from the Course How To.
    3. Nominate a third member of your Chat Group (who also participated in the Chat) to make another post on the Unit 3: Assignment #5 Discussion Board that states the name of your Chat Group, the names of the Chat Group members who participated the Chat, the date of your Chat, and the start and stop time of your Group Chat.
      • This member also needs to embed in their Discussion Post (not attach) the screenshot of their Frequency Distribution Table.
          • Remember to embed and re-size your screenshot using the procedures you learned from the Course How To.
    4. Across the semester, and to the degree possible, try to trade off which member of your Chat Group does each task (writes and posts the summary; creates the transcript and attaches it; posts the names, date, start/stop time) so that across the semester each member of the Chat Group carries an equal load. You don’t want to create a group work experience like the bottom chart of these charts.
    5. If only two students participated in the Chat, then one of those two students needs to do two of the above three tasks. However, they need to embed only one screenshot (because they made only one Frequency Distribution Table).
    6. Before ending the Group Chat, arrange the date and time for the Group Chat you will need to hold during the next Unit (Unit 4: Assignment #5)
    7. Record a typical Unit entry in your own Course Journal for the current Unit, Unit 3.

Congratulations; you have finished Unit 3! Onward to Unit 4!