Unit 14
Unit 14:
Continuing to Use Statistical Thinking
Unit 14: Assignment #1 (due before 11:59 pm Central on THU JUL 30):
- As you wrap up the course, it’s time to look both backward and forward. Begin by looking backward at all the work you’ve accomplished and skills you’ve acquired.
- First, download the PSY 210: Summary Skills Spreadsheet.
- If your chosen data management platform is Microsoft Excel:
- If your chosen data management platform is Google Sheets:
- Download and save to your PSY-210_Summer2020_Unit14 folder the Excel version of the PSY 210: Summary Skills Spreadsheet.
- Then, from within Google Sheets, select “Blank” for a new spreadsheet.
- And, still from within Google Sheets, select File – Open, and open the Excel version of the PSY 210: Summary Skills Spreadsheet into Google Sheets.
- The Excel version of the PSY 210: Summary Skills Spreadsheet will now be a Google Sheets version of the PSY 210: Summary Skills Spreadsheet.
- Save the spreadsheet as YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit14_SummarySkills
- If your chosen data management platform is Apple Numbers:
- Second, check to make sure the PSY 210: Summary Skills Spreadsheet you’ve downloaded and then opened has maintained its formatting.
- Unlike the .csv files you’ve downloaded and imported in previous assignments, the PSY 210: Summary Skills Spreadsheet was saved in its native format, rather than the generic csv format; therefore, its formatting should be maintained.
- If your chosen data management platform is Microsoft Excel, make sure the file you’ve opened in Microsoft Excel looks like this screenshot.
- If your chosen data management platform is Google Sheets, make sure the file you’ve opened in Google Sheets looks like this screenshot.
- If your chosen data management platform is Apple Numbers, make sure the file you’ve opened in Apple Numbers looks like this screenshot.
- Now, you’re going to complete the PSY 210: Summary Skills Spreadsheet. With the spreadsheet open, notice the following:
- The First set of columns are from a list of skills the American Psychological Association believes students must acquire to be Prepared for Success in the 21st Century Workplace.
- The Second set of columns are Statistical Thinking Processes, which you’ve learned about through this course.
- The Third set of columns are from a list of skills the American Psychological Association believes all Undergraduate Psychology Majors should acquire.
- The Fourth set of columns are from the UW-Madison Quantitative B Course Requirements.
- The Fifth set of columns are from the UW-Madison Psychology Department’s Learning Objectives for the Psych 225 course (as listed on our Course Syllabus).
- When creating the PSY 210: Summary Skills Spreadsheet, we removed as many redundancies as we could; therefore, not all the skills listed in these sources are listed in the spreadsheet.
- To complete the PSY 210: Summary Skills Spreadsheet, do the following:
- Look back through the content and products of each Unit, both on the Course Website and in your Unit folders (e.g., PSY-210_Summer2020_Unit03 folder), to refresh your memory on the topics covered and the skills you’ve acquired during each assignment in each Unit.
- Working left to right in the spreadsheet, for each assignment (e.g., Unit 2: Assignment #1) and for each skill (e.g., Flexibility and Adaptability to New Systems), fill the cell with a highlighted 1 if you worked on that skill in that assignment.
- Although not all the cells will be filled, many should be.
- Unit 1 has already been completed for you, but feel free to add (or subtract) filled cells (to indicate you did or did not work on the skills during each assignment in Unit 1).
- For completing Unit 14, you’ll need to look ahead to the other assignments in this Unit.
- After you’ve filled in as many cells as you can in the PSY 210: Summary Skills Spreadsheet, do the following:
- First, create a one-page PDF from your spreadsheet by following these directions.
- Name your one-page PDF YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit14_SummarySkills.pdf
- Your one-page PDF should look something like this (but, of course, filled in!).
- Go to the Unit 14: Assignment #1 Discussion Board and make a new post to which you attach — not embed, but attach — your PSY 210: Summary Skills Spreadsheet PDF.
- First, look underneath the textbox where you typically type (or paste into) the Discussion Board, and you will see the “Attach” tool; it is the word “Attach” preceded by a paperclip icon.
- Second, click on the “Attach” tool. Browse to the .pdf file on your computer and select your .pdf file.
- Third, upload your .pdf file.
- Fourth, click on “Post Reply.”
- Fifth, make sure that do not attach your .pdf file by using the “Files” menu option on the left-hand side of the Discussion Board. Instead, use only the “Attach” tool that is found underneath the Discussion Board text box.
- Sixth, make sure that the PDF you attached is named YourLastName_PSY-210_Unit14_SummarySkills.pdf.
Unit 14: Assignment #2 (due before 11:59 pm Central on THU JUL 30):
- Still, looking backward, indeed all the way back to Unit 1: Assignment #3:
- First, re-read Poldrack’s (2020) Chapter 1 “Introduction: What is Statistical Thinking.”
- Make sure you review the Two Features of Statistical Thinking.
- Second, re-read Frost’s (2020) blog post, “Learn How Anecdotal Evidence Can Trick You!”
- Make sure you review the Four Requirements of Statistical Thinking.
- Third, re-read Primer’s (2019) article, “First-Hand Experience Can Be a Double-Edged Sword.”
- Make sure you review the Five Steps of Statistical Thinking.
- Next, write a letter, of at least 200 words, to either your past-self (the self who started the course seven weeks ago) or to a future student (who will be starting the course next summer).
- First, explain to your past-self or explain to the future-student what statistical thinking is.
- Second, describe to your past-self or describe to the future-student what you have learned in this course about statistical thinking.
- Third, tell your past-self or tell the future-student how you will use statistical thinking going forward.
- Go to the Unit 14: Assignment #2 Discussion Board and make a new post that contains the text of your letter (of at least 200 words) to your past-self or to the future-student.
- p.s. Going forward, remember that this course is completely open-access.
- Therefore, if your future-self (or a future-student in another course) ever wants to access any or all content from this course, you (and they) can!
Unit 14: Assignment #3 (due before 11:59 pm Central on FRI JUL 31):
- Now, looking forward, it’s time to take a going-forward check of your attitudes and anxiety about statistics:
- First, to assess your anxiety about statistics, complete this end-of-course Statistics Anxiety Self-Assessment.
- Second, to assess your attitudes toward statistics, complete this end-of-course Attitudes Toward Statistics Self-Assessment.
- It’s also time to complete and submit your ENTIRE Course Journal for Unit 1 through Unit 14!
- First, make a typical Unit entry in your Course Journal for Unit 14. You should now have fourteen entries in your Course Journal.
- Second, prepare your Course Journal for submission to the Unit 14: Assignment #2 Discussion Board. If your Course Journal medium is
- a Tumblr, Pinterest board, Prezi, Slideshare, blog, or website, you must embed the link in your Discussion Board post as you learned in the Course How To so that your link will show up as actual text, rather than just a URL or the word, Link;
- a video, series of videos, podcast, or series of podcasts, or an audio journal, you must upload your videos or podcasts to a video or podcast hosting site (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Podbean) and then EITHER embed the video as you learned in the Course How To (remember to “Embed Small”) OR embed the link in your Discussion Board post as you learned in the Course How To.
- a journal that’s not posted on a blog, Tumblr, or other website, you must convert your document to a PDF and attach the PDF to your Discussion Board Post.
- Because Canvas only allows one file to be attached per Discussion Board post, if you have multiple PDFs, you must attach each PDF to a new Discussion Board post by making a reply post to yourself.
- No .doc, .docx, .pages, or other filetypes besides PDF will be graded.
- a PPT or Keynote, you must convert your PPT or Keynote file to a PDF and attach the PDF to your Discussion Board Post.
- No .ppt, .pptx, .key, or other filetypes besides PDF will be graded.
- Third, if you are attaching a file or files, be sure test the size of each file, using this handout.
- If the size of your file is too large to email to yourself, reduce the size of your file following the suggestions in this handout.
- Name your file YourLastName_PSY-210_CourseJournal_1-14.pdf.
- If you are attaching multiple files, name them YourLastName_PSY-210_CourseJournal_1-14_a.pdf, YourLastName_PSY-210_CourseJournal_1-14_b.pdf, and so forth.
- Go to the Unit 14: Assignment #3 Discussion Board and make a new post in which you do the following:
- First, state the following “I have completed the end-of-course Statistics Anxiety and Attitudes Toward Statistics Self-Assessments.”
- Second, embed or attach your Course Journal for Unit 1 through Unit 14.
Unit 14: Assignment #4 (due before 11:59 pm Central on FRI JUL 31):
- It’s also time to turn what you’ve learned in the second half of this course into something you can share, going forward, with others.
- First, write down the fourteen things you’ve learned in the course that you chose to discuss in your Course Journal entries for Unit 8 through Unit 14.
- Remember that in your Course Journal you are required to list two specific things you have learned in each unit.
- Therefore, these fourteen things that you have learned in the course should come from your Course Journal (with two things per unit).
- Second, from that list of fourteen things, choose five of those things that you think are the most important for other students or the general public to know.
- Third, decide which medium, of three following three choices — Image/Gif Meme, TikTok, Infographic — you will use to share your five things with others:
- Image or Gif Memes: If you choose to create Image or Gif Memes, you must make five Image or Gif Memes, which will be one Image or Gif Meme for each of the five things you think other students or the general public should know.
- View some popular non-statistics memes here.
- Some sites that allow you to make Image or Gif Memes for free include Make A Meme and Kapwing.
- Each of your Image or Gif Memes must be an image or gif saved as a .jpg, .jpeg, png, .gif or the like and embedded into a Discussion Board Post. Remember to embed and re-size your each image using the procedures you learned from the Course How To.
- TikToks: If you choose to create TikToks, you must make five TikTok videos, which will be one TikTok video for each of the five things you think other students or the general public should know.
- If you’re unfamiliar with TikTok, consult Flex Clip’s (2020) article, “Ultimate TikTok Guide – How to TikTok.”
- Each of your TikTok videos must be embedded as a URL into a Discussion Board Post. Remember to embed each URL using the procedures you learned from the Course How To.
- Infographics: If you choose create Infographics, you must make five Infographics, which will be one Infographic for each of the five things you think other students or the general public should know.
- Some sites that allow you to make Infographics for free are Canva and Piktochart.
- Each of your Infographics must be saved as a .pdf with the filename YourLastName_PSY-210_Infographic_XX.pdf (where XX is the number of the Infographic, e.g., 01, 02).
- Be sure to test the size of your PDFs, using this handout. If the size of your PDF is too large to email to yourself, reduce the size of your PDF by following the suggestions in this handout.
- Regardless of the medium you choose, your Image/Gif Memes, TikToks, or Infographics must “G-rated,” meaning they must not contain any profanity or suggestive material. They must also not include any political content or political themes.
- Go the Unit 14: Assignment #4 Discussion Board and make a new Discussion Board post in which you do the following:
- First, list the fourteen things you wrote about in your Course Journal entries for Units 8 through 14.
- Second, identify which five of the fourteen things you’ve chosen to use for your Image/Gif Memes, TikToks, or Infographics.
- Third, embed, link to, or attach each your five Image/Gif Memes, TikToks, or Infographics.
- If you’ve chosen to make five Image/Gif Memes, embed each image into your Discussion Board post. Remember to embed and re-size your screenshots using the procedures you learned from the Course How To.
- If you’ve chosen to make five TikToks, embed a link to each of TikTok into your Discussion Board post. Remember to embed your links using the procedures you learned from the Course How To.
Unit 14: Assignment #5 (due before 11:59 pm Central on SUN AUG 2):
- Please complete the Student Course Evaluation for this course, if you have not already done so. You received your Student Course Evaluation through email (so you might have to dig it out of your email.
- Of course, Student Course Evaluations are completely anonymous. Your Instructor will NOT be informed as to whether you complete the evaluation or not.
- Therefore, for fairness, everyone will earn three points on this assignment. These three points will come in handy if you’re just one or two (or three) points away from the final total points you wanted to earn in the course.
- To earn these three points, go to Unit 14: Assignment #5 and type into the Assignment’s textbox “I completed my Student Course Evaluation.”
Congratulations! You have completed the course!